
Project is an entrypoint to your DeformIO world.

Project properties

    "_id": "project-35567587-35567587",
    "name": "post-created-project-name",
    "settings": {
        "debug": false,
        "check_limits_period": "24h0m0s",
        "data_size_limit": 52428800,
        "delete_files": false,
        "files_size_limit": 104857600,
        "orphan_files_ttl": "168h0m0s",
        "rate_limit": 30
    "status": {
        "data_size": 7584,
        "files_size": 0,
        "rate": 0
Property Type Description
_id string Unique identity of the project
name string Name of a project
settings object Project settings
status object Project status


Property Type Editable Description
debug bool * Debug all requests sent to a project
check_limits_period string How often limits of a project will be checked
data_size_limit integer * Database size limit
delete_files bool * Delete files after related documents and collections were deleted
files_size_limit integer * Files total size limit
orphan_files_ttl string * TTL of a file without document since last_access
rate_limit integer NIY. Requests per second limit


Enabling this will write all requests information into a system collection _debug.


Units: Bytes.

Change this to control your project DB size.

Set to 0 to make unlimited.


Units: Bytes.

Change this to control your project Files total size.

Set to 0 to make unlimited.


Property Type Description
data_size integer Database size
files_size integer Files size
is_active bool Project is active
rate integer NYI. Requests per second


When your project status.data_size or status.files_size reaching limits ( in case if these limits are greater than 0 ) of 20% or less you will get a notification and email message with details.

For example:

You have a project with settings.data_size_limit equal 100.

In case when status.data_size equal or greater than 80 you will notification.

Current limitations

By default user can have up to 5 projects.

Project initial settings:

  • database size: 50 Mb
  • files size: 100 Mb